The Fluffy Bunny Gift Set is a delightful ensemble inspired by the wonders of the garden. With its charming bunny motifs adorning earrings, bracelet, and ring, this set captures the essence of nature's beauty. Perfect as a thoughtful gift for someone special or as a treat for yourself, it adds a touch of whimsy and elegance to any ensemble. 🐰🌸
Keep your jewelry away from perfumes, lotions, hairspray or cosmetics – particularly for pearls, as this may affect the color or luster. This is also especially important for our gold-plated pieces which are more prone to oxidation and tarnishing.
Store your jewelry in your original Selenichast box (and keep it in a cool, dry spot) to maintain luster and prolong life. If you need to clean your jewelry, only use a non-abrasive cotton or microfiber cloth.
Ring Size Guide. click here
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